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This podcast from cams-world.de is about chain rings and Cam
has a word or two about doping. Listed below are studies I referenced. I read
more yet did not use the information from those studies, as everything was
covered in the studies below.
Dagnese,F. Carpes,F,P. de Assis Martins,D. Stefanyshyn,D. Bolli
Mota,C. Effects of a noncircular chainring system on muscle activation during
cycling. Journal of Electromyography and
Kinesiology 21 (2011) 13–17
Horvais,N. Samozino,P. Zameziati,K Hautier,C. Hintzy,F. Effects of a non circular
chainring on muscular, mechanical and physiological parameters during cycle
ergometer tests. Isokinetics and Exercise
Science 15 (2007) 271–279
Hue,O. Chamari,k. Damiani,M. Blonc,S. Hertogh,C. The use of an
eccentric chainring during and outdoor 1 km all-out cycling test. Journal of Science and
Medicine in Sport (2007) 10, 180-186
Carpes,F,P. Dagnese,F. Mota, C,B.Stefanyshyn,D,J. Cycling with noncircular chainring
system changes the three-dimensional kinematics of the
lower limbs Sports
Biomechanics 2009;
8(4): 275–283
Hue,O. Racinais,S. Chamari,K. Damiani,M.
Hertogh,C. Blonc,S. Does an eccentric chainring improve conventional parameters
of neuromuscular power? Journal
of Science and Medicine in Sport (2008) 11, 264—270
O’Hara,C,R. Clark,R,D.Hagobian,T.
McGaughey,K. Effects
of Chainring Type (Circular vs. Rotor Q-Ring) on 1km Time Trial Performance
Over Six Weeks in Competitive Cyclists and Triathletes.
International Journal of Sports Science and Engineering 06 (2012) 01. 025-040
Peiffer,J,J. Abbiss,C,R. The
Influence of Elliptical Chainrings on 10 km Cycling Time Trial Performance. International Journal of Sports
Physiology and Performance, 2010,
5, 459-468
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