Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Episode 7: Graph of the super compensation.

I hope you like my drawing! Here is the idea I had im my podcast!

Also here is the Link to: www.englishcycles.com

Rob make handbuild bike in the USA. Worth a look just to see what can be done with a hugh amount of talent and skill!

Any comment, questions or feedback please email me: info@cams-world.de

Talk soon. Cameron

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

From Episode 6: The W questions!

1 What is your number one goal for the season? For some people there may be more then one. Yet this is only the KEY events. It can’t be every race you do!

2 Why is this your number one Goal or Key event?

3 What changes do you need to make to achieve this goal?

4 When do you want to achieve your goal? – (exact date, day and time)

5 How will you feel when you achieve your goal?

6 How will you feel if you don’t achieve your goal?

7 If you keep doing what you are doing, will you achieve that goal?
8 What would you like me (your coach) to do to help you achieve that goal?

9 What are you going to do, change, give up so you can achieve your goal?
10 What are some of the barriers that have held you back in the past?

Feedback or comments: info@cams-world.de 

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Episode 4 Barefoot vs. Shoes: Plus a little about cycling and tactics.

Sound quality should be better from this episode forward. I had not correctly installed my mic for the first 3 episodes.
Main section I look at the some of the science and research about the differences between running Barefoot vs. Shoes. I also give me opinion on the matter. 

Comments, feedback or ideas for future shows email me info@cams-world.de

Download Podcast:


Itines: type cams-world.de podcast into the search or follow this link.

If you are liking what I am doing please rate me on Itunes!


Blaise Williams III, D. S., Green, D. H., & Wurzinger, B., (2012) Changes in lower extremity movement and power absorption during forefoot and barefoot running. The International Journal of Sports Physical Therapy 7(5), 525


Franz, J. R., Wierzbinski, C. M., & Kram, R., (2012)  Metabolic Cost of Running Barefoot versus

Shod: Is Lighter Better?  American College of Sports Medicine.

Nigg, B., & Enders, H., (2013) Barefoot running – some critical considerations

Human Performance Laboratory, University of Calgary, Faculty of Kinesiology.

Paquette, M. R., Zhang, S., & Baumgartner, L. D., (2013) Acute effects of barefoot, minimal shoes and running shoes on lower limb mechanics in rear and forefoot strike runners

Department of Kinesiology, Recreation and Sport Studies, University of Tennessee,


Rothschild, C., (2012) Running Barefoot or in Minimalist Shoes: Evidence or Conjecture?  National Strength and Conditioning Association 34, (2). 8

Utz-Meagher, C., Nulty, J., Holt, L., (2011) Comparative Analysis of Barefoot

and Shod Running Sport Science Review, XX, (3-4), 113-130
