Monday, November 24, 2014

Sensible training!

I know everybody thinks they do sensible training. What do I mean by 'sensible training'?

-          Does your current or planned training, have reasoning and well thought-out planning behind it? Also, is the training reinforcing correct and efficient movement patterns? Are you training your body to be economical?

Can you answer yes to all these questions? Really and honestly?

Let me break this down a little more, with some examples: I will be using swimming examples because these are the often right in front of me and so many people are in a small area. I have been working as the Swim Trainer for Tri Team Hochrhein for a year now. All the swimmers who come regularly have got better. I work on both technique and endurance. When I go to swimming pools I often see groups and individuals swimming. Due to working as an instructor I can’t help myself looking at the way people swim and thinking of where they could improve. So often I see athletes do the strangest stuff in the water! One time I saw this group bashing up and down the pool, training really hard! I mean really hard - they swam with motivation and determination, and getting it all wrong. They were doing drills and other sets, the hand paddles were on and off. Yet one thing became clear to me very quickly was that they didn't understand or know why they were doing it at all, and it was just stuff in the plan they had to do. After a while I couldn’t take any more!  I had to ask why they were doing a crazy looking drill, the answer was “this is what I was told to do”. Ok, so you were told why you should do it? “No…. We just do it”. I didn’t have a follow up question, I was little lost for words.

And herein lies the problem with so many sports. People have lost the understanding of why they do something. I have seen so many athletes (And I am the same), get into little habits that creep in and can affect the quality of your training and therefore performance. When I was bike racing I spent the early part of the season not only busting my arse training hard, I also always spent time working on my pedalling technique to make sure I set up the right muscle action right at the start of the year. Now when I get on my bike after years of not doing much my pedal action, it's a long way from where it was, yet it is still ok.

This needs to be done with all sports. There are so many people out there willing to teach (yes, not all instructors or trainers are equal) so try and get some help. I look at swimmers so much at the moment and while, at the beginning of the new season, everyone wants to swim fast this is the time to focus on technique. Get technique better and it will pay off in the long run!



Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Welcome back!

Welcome back.

Looking at the Eiger and think!
I know it has been a long time since I wrote a blog or made a podcast. For this I am sorry. There are lots of reasons and to put it simply life, study, clients, running and other pressures got in the way. I am trying to do better. In fact, I am about to start Summer school (well, it's winter school for me) and a requirement is to post at least one blog a week! So that will be interesting.

My big goal over this last summer here in Germanland was to qualify for UTMB (Ultra Trail Mont Blanc) which is a big deal. To enter you have to have 8 points in a year, in 3 qualifying races. This means that I ran 3 big races, as follows:   

Trail de La Vallee des Lacs (France), 85km 4500 vertical. (3 Points)

Eiger Ultra Trail (Switzerland), 101km 6700 vertical. (my Garmin said 6970 vertical) (3 Points)

Les Trails du Haut-Koenigsbourg (France), 84km 3284 veritcal. (2 Points)

I will do a bit of a race breakdown in later blogs.
These were 3 awesome races and I really enjoyed them. They were hard and long, yet I loved it. It is weird now not having races really planned for next year. I have to start looking, yet it is hard to plan on what to do when I hope to get my name drawn in the UTMB lottery.

This is during the Eiger ultra. Top of 1500 vert climb! Hard
I am also waiting to find out if I can work in Switzerland. I have a job offer from there and the endless waiting for the red tape to be cleared is driving me nuts. When everything is confirmed I will be telling everyone what it is.  I have to say it is exciting for me and will be a big challenge, yet a really positive one.

So all in all I am waiting to find out what is happening with a lot of things for next year. Still that is nice to have stuff to look forward to, and wondering what new opportunities will eventuate over the next weeks and months.

Also this year I went from part time Uni student to full time. As anyone that has studied knows this is a massive work load. Still it is really positive for me and I have learnt a lot that will make me a better coach with greater understanding of the body,  what it does and why. And there is so much more to learn.

I am also really lucky to be working with great clients! It makes my job harder and easier. Harder because I want to do everything I can to help them succeed and easier because when I ask them to do something I know it will be done. And here I have to mention an athlete of mine, Richard, who won his age group at the Lake Hood Sprint Triathlon! Awesome work Richard! And also Arnd who I coach for swimming - he was first out the water in his age group at Ironman Switzerland.

I am planning on making a podcast tomorrow focused on Altitude training. It is mainly from a recent university assignment. I found it really interesting researching the assignment and learnt so much from it. So I will go though it for you and give you all a clearer idea about the pros and cons of altitude training.


Till soon,

Coach Cam.