Anyway I have been thinking about this and I do think it has
some very good points. No matter what you do it important to look to improve
every season and not make the same mistakes over and over. In other words, have
you got 10 years of experience or 10 x 1 year’s experience?
I see a major problem with having your evaluation once a year,
rather than an on going evolution. This is the way most endurance sports are
working now we are planning our year so far in advance. To do an Ironman you
have to enter a year in advance to be in with a chance, so many Ultra’s you
have to hope for a place in the lottery 10months out from the event. So even to
think about entering you have to make plans one and a half years ahead at the very
least. So this means we are forever looking to the future and what races we
will do. Plus we make long term plans about 2, 3 or ever 5 year in the future.
Let me ask you a question.
It is January 2013. Who has been thinking about races to do
in 2014?
I believe the normal athlete needs to do this more often.
Talk to your coach, see what is working, look at the results from the last 3
months. Are you progressing the way you should? Are you feeling fresh or burnt
out? How is motivation? What is your head space? What is the goal for the next
3, 6 or 8 months? What training do you enjoy? What training do you hate? What
training helps make you strong? Are you an athlete that backs up hard days of
training well or do you need longer to recover? What mistakes did you make in
the last period? What mistakes did you make in the last race? What did you do
well in the last period? What did you do well in you last race?
Pick the important questions for you. Write them down, and
the answers. It is very easy to say I have them in my head, yet answers change
in your head. When they are on paper that makes them a perfect reminder of what
was happening in that moment you wrote it down.
Then plan for the new season or part of your season! Your
evolution as an athlete only every stops when your heart does.
Plan your races. Which are important and which are not? Write this down! So many people, and this
includes me, have said “this race isn’t important” and then when they haven’t done well they are
down about their training. Of course it didn’t go well when you didn’t taper well
and used it only as training. Why forget
that after the start?
Ok so plan and think about your training! It should always
More next time.
Coach Cam.